There are unskilled drivers and cyclists. Most of the “racers” are in full control of their vehicle and able to analyze the situation. They assume all participants think the same.
Once I crossed a street in slow tempo to merge after the one (yea you guessed right) SUV came along. For some reason she slowed down. Even after I signalled her to drive she didn’t. I tried to get moving as the cable car was coming. From almost standstill she rightgeously tried to go suddenly. We almost had a slomotion crash. Me, trying to get off the cabletrain track, she, trying to force her way. A right she always had, but didn’t take before.
It was my mistake too, but I never anticipated such behaviour. It seemed cristalclear to me that every driver would just go.
What is completely safe for a person going through an intersection for the hundredst time seems insane to others.
Also, drivers get angry real quick whenever I (riskfree) demonstrate how inefficient they are in traffic.
I’ve stopped extreme maneuvers though, it’s usually not worth the risk.