Long radio-silence because I was busy, sorry about that.
Thanks for your honest concern and apology, I knew you were a nice person =)
I wasn't annoyed at being called gay because I'm homophobic or anything like that. I just really don't like it when people jump to conclusions. Especially if their are mundane such as:
"Oh, this guy behaves different than what my idea of a man is, he must be gay then."
I have had this happen before. I used to enjoy challenging that simplistic classification of people by displaying other sides of character. But I've grown tired. He/She can believe whatever they want. I know what's what. Women are more attractive to me.
It was more of a message to myself. Wtf am I doing arguing about this stuff, I have other things to do.
As for mistaking you for the 3.5 billion women...
Why do you assume my comment meant that I will start treating women badly now? Many women (or men for that matter) don't know what they want themselves, so what's the point if I try to find out. That's all I thought.
Who am I to tell you how to be to be taken serious? I didn't tell you who to be. I wanted to explain how I have the most success in arguing with a guy so that he gets my point. I thought that could be of use.
To hide the fact that they are women?
I never said that. To me there is more factors to a crisis response besides the gender of the president. If they are not mentioned, the analysis of the crisis response is hardly informative.
"Men who try to listen to women looks different to you"? What, if I disagree I'm a bad listener?
Would you see me as more empathic if I agreed with you all the time? Ever considered that from a different perspective there are other problems that deserve attention too? No, for you it's all about women and their war against the oppressive man.
I see that not everything is right the way it is.
But I'm not beating up women. I have female friends who come to me when they want to talk about an issue their having at work or whatever.
I'd like to continue this conversation. But maybe we can discuss solutions/improvements to the situation.