I like your take on the randomness of life, how we each have to face our own obstacles. But then again, I think you kept it too short at the end when you talk about hard work.
I don’t know for sure, but I believe it’s highly unlikely that there is a basketball player with the same obsession like Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant out there that didn’t make it to the NBA.
Is that survivor-ship bias? I’d argue against that. It’s just that none of us can grasp what it took them to get there. (And believe me, I’ve played against a lot of 5ft5 guys which (unreasonably) believed they’d be a pro if only they were 6ft3+.)
So don’t externalize too much. It looks as if you’ve come far and what was it that got you there? Thinking that you’re in charge. Knowing that you’re responsible.
Mindset aka:
Bill Gates may have had it easier than me. But I’ll get there anyway.
Assuming that getting super rich is what you want.