How come the average well-being of humans has improved steadily since pretty much ever? Within the patriarchy? At the same time the patriarchy ia apparently the source of all evil too.
What are we arguing about here?
Same thing with the captialism-hatred.
Wouldn’t it be easier to create a better patriarchy/ better captalism?
What’s the point of revolutionarily rejecting what has served us up until now?
It’s not perfect, but it does the job.
Change has always been slow.
Dividing over patriarchy is wasted energy, I think.
Do anything possible within patriarchy to create a better world. Only after that it will be time to reform the system.
Else it’s just a self-victimizing statement.
The system is the problem!
This takes away power from the individual to create actual change.
What if we taught little girls and boys that the patriarchy (the name is kind of irrelevant) is their chance to contribute meaningful actions in this world.
Something like this:
“Look, so many have done it before. It sure wasn’t easy!
Don’t pay to much attention to the fake prophets; proclaiming systemic problems and doomsday predicitons. They have done that since the beginning of time. For them it’s all about attention seeking with apparently sensational news.
The world is full of opportunity. You just need to look for it. Real change happens right in front of you, with tiny good decisions. “