Coming from STEM field, I feel your frustration with the unwillingness to break free. I’d like to add that I get annoyed by the somewhat subliminal disrespecting of other fields, which are not the future changers and furtherers of human civilization by accessing digital technology, as some see themselves (exaggerated).
Can we relate this to premature optimization? To quote Dr. Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park. “ Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t start to think if they should.”
Just like the semiconductor industry was caught in following Moore’s Law, they had to get to the point where it just doesn’t go any further, to start really considering other aspects to their trajectory.
Is this what you meant? That we sometimes get constrained by relying on what we’re good at. And as technologising seems to be such a good method, we push it into all aspects blindly, because it worked well on others?
Anyway, good writing!